August 27, 2024 - BY Admin

Computer Keyboard Shortcut Keys on window

here are some commonly used keyboard shortcuts for Windows

General Shortcuts

Ctrl + C Copy

Ctrl + X Cut

Ctrl + V Paste

Ctrl + Z Undo

Ctrl + Y Redo

Ctrl + A Select all

Ctrl + S Save

Ctrl + P Print

Window Management

Alt + Tab Switch between open apps

Windows Key + D Show or hide the desktop

Windows Key + E Open File Explorer

Windows Key + L Lock your PC

Windows Key + M Minimize all windows

Windows Key + R Open the Run dialog

Windows Key + U Open Ease of Access Center

Virtual Desktops

Windows Key + Ctrl + D Create a new virtual desktop

Windows Key + Ctrl + Left/Right Arrow Switch between virtual


Windows Key + Ctrl + F4 Close the current virtual desktop

Taskbar Shortcuts

Windows Key + 1/2/3/... Open the corresponding app pinned to the taskbar

Windows Key + T Cycle through apps on the taskbar

Snap Assist

Windows Key + Left Arrow Snap window to the left half of the screen

Windows Key + Right Arrow Snap window to the right half of the screen

Windows Key + Up Arrow Maximize the window

Windows Key + Down Arrow**: Restore/minimize the window


Windows Key + Plus (+) Open Magnifier

Windows Key + Esc Exit Magnifier

Windows Key + Shift + S Take a screenshot with Snip & Sketch

Command Prompt

Ctrl + Shift + Enter Open Command Prompt as administrator

Up Arrow Cycle through previous commands

These shortcuts can help streamline your workflow and make navigating Windows more efficient.

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